Event Logo Image

Sponsor Levels

Visionary - $5,000

Inventiveness - $2,500

Ingenuity - $1,000

Innovation - $500

Printable Forms

Forms are in PDF format (for use instead of, not in addition to, online forms).

Once downloaded and printed, please mail completed forms to:

Falmouth Academy
Development Office
7 Highfield Drive
Falmouth, MA 02540


Imagine the Possibilities

Sponsor Packages

Event sponsors receive mention in an ad in the Falmouth Enterprise, acknowledgment in the event program, parent e-news, and annual Donor Report

Tickets can be purchased individually after March 1, or as part of a Sponsorship package starting on February 1. To select your Sponsorship level, choose from the list of packages below. In addition to inclusion in a Falmouth Enterprise ad following the auction, sponsors also receive acknowledgment in the event program, parent e-newsletter, and annual Donor Report. Full information on Sponsoring the 2023 Auction can be found in the sidebar at right.

Registration opens: Wednesday, January 11, 2023
Registration closes: Saturday, April 29, 2023
Registration is closed